Why Creeskside?
As shrewd business advisors, Creekside’s management team and select affiliates have expertly provided a broad range of creative, tax-efficient planning strategies for over 20 years. Business owners, physicians and high net worth investors have come to us for custom designed plans:
• Deferred Compensation
• Key-man Insurance
• Buy-Sell Arrangements
• Estate Maximization
• Private Pension programs
Maintaining relationships with the world’s top-rated insurance carriers and commercial finance sources, our Partners will apply their considerable expertise to design and structure customized financing and insurance-based programs to meet your specific needs.
And when you’re ready to make that transition and hang up your spurs, engage us to be Your Most Trusted Advisor as you seek to clarify plans for your estate and philanthropic endeavors. It is critical to have an advisor whose sole goal is to help you navigate the laundry list of “good ideas” promoted by friends and well-meaning product brokers. Talk to us – our proven process will help you and your spouse get clear about your true vision and plans for your sunset years.
Proverbs 15:22. Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisors they succeed.