Why Creeskside?
Our clients are our highest priority; without you, there would be no business.
Our Core values are:
• Great customer service
• Passion and relentless determination
• Embrace change and look for ways to create new opportunities
• Outside the box analysis
• Where appropriate offer shrewd, direct advice
Most of entrepreneurs inherently believe in their successful future. The plan is to build a business and someday use the exit sale to fund “retirement”. In fact, some business owners, either by skill or happenstance, will build or flip more than one business in their lifetime. However the goal is achieved, it usually takes great planning.
And when you’re ready to make that transition and hang up your spurs, engage us to be Your Most Trusted Advisor (make this a link to the philanthropy page) as you seek to clarify plans for your estate and philanthropic endeavors. It is critical to have an advisor whose sole goal is to help you navigate the laundry list of “good ideas” promoted by friends and well-meaning product brokers. Talk to us – our proven process will help you and your spouse get clear about your true vision and plans for your sunset years.
Proverbs 15:22. Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisors they succeed.