Buy-Sell Arrangements
The primary goal of a buy-sell arrangement is continuity…so that the remaining owners are not forced to search for a new buyer or partner to join the business.
Creekside facilitates the design and funding of life insurance based buy-sell arrangements for business continuity in the event of unforeseen, potentially-disruptive changes in multi-owner businesses such as the loss or exit of an owner.
A properly designed buy-sell arrangement:
• generally relies upon multiple high cash value life insurance policies
• is often best funded using a Smart LeverageTM Planning as financing corporately maintains a higher level of liquidity than might otherwise exist if the firm were to pay premiums directly
• provides creditor protection and a contractually guaranteed source of emergency cash
Our Partners are highly skilled, senior financial professionals who strategize across the multiple disciplines of accounting, legal, tax, insurance and banking to properly design your custom buy-sell arrangement.